Interview with Krunchy McSlutface x Strawberry Fist Cake

Is the name Strawberry Fist Cake meant to imply that a tiny, little, angle-faced, strawberry-human hybrid, has a darker side?
Fun fact! Strawberry shortcake was created as a greeting card character and was originally just called Strawberry Girl. I like to think we share similar origins. Some vapid, rudimentary, poorly conceived idea, that developed into something a lot more people know about than they should, that has no right still being of any relevance and at some point it developed a smell.

Were other names considered like My Little Angry Cunt Pony or The Little Harm-aid?
The actual process behind the imagining of the name is a mystery to all except that elusive trixie dickhead Drunk Krunch. All I know is one day I found a sheet of her inane, borderline psychotic scribblings under the couch, and there was the name Strawberry Fist Cake. Right alongside the options “So’s ya Face” “Ya Mum Is” and “Puss Nugget” - with a drawn diagram of what a puss nugget apparently is.

Name 3 of your most favourite shows that you played?
Very early on we played a backyard show where someone had built this sick skate ramp in their backyard around Brunswick I think. There were people dropping in off the roof, the PA blew up during our set and I just yelled at the crowd what the words were and to sing along and they did. No mic’s and a crowd of people we didn’t know singing our songs with us. I think that says more about the shit repetitive lyrics than anything, but I’ll take it.

Witfest at Witler on the 8 in Cincinnati. It was our first time in the US. The venue is in the basement of this dude’s house, one of the most mental shows and crowds we’ve ever had. Kenny and I got busted lips from crowd smashing our mics cos it was a floor stage, Mik’s new pedals got drowned in beer, there were people hanging from the rafters, a guy front of stage swinging 2 dudes over his shoulders, absolute chaos. And made so many good friends making Cincy our home away from home.

Supporting Booze and Glory in Melbourne was a personal highlight because they were one of my favourite bands at the time .

Special mentions to Tijuana on our last tour, Holy fuck, and the reopening of Twice Bar in Bali to a crowd of a few hundred that blocked off the whole street.

How were Strawberry Fist Cake received in the U.S. and was that a more receptive part of the world than AUS?
Shows were a bit hit and miss on our first tour because we hadn’t established much of a fan base and didn’t know many people. We would get to a town early and walk the streets handing out flyers and telling people to come see us. The following tours were insane and we were really well received. I’m not sure it was that it was more receptive so much, but they only got to see us once a year, so they weren’t sick of our shit yet, haha

This show in October is a reformation show after 4 years. How does it feel to be playing together again? Will this be a one-off?
The last time we were all together was a house party in LA in 2018. I can’t speak for the others, but I have actually enjoyed playing the songs again, I haven’t even listened to them since we split, and I forgot how fun they are - and how inappropriate the content is. That said, this is a one off! LITTER formed and did a tour with us many years ago and I thought it was only appropriate we reform to play with them. I bloody love LITTER, still one of my favourite records. Don't tell that old man singer though, he’ll get a big head.

In the time between performances, have you missed the platform for your opinions? Like, have you thought… “that would make a great song concept” and pined for the opportunity to put it in a band?
I actually started a new band not long after we split. Definitely just a platform for me to yell about my substance abuse issues and my vagina. It’s a lot about my vagina…

Catch Strawberry Fist Cake along with LITTER, Shadow League and Sam Bucca at The Gasometer Hotel [VIC], Sunday 2 October 2022.

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