Acid Amora x Self Titled

Acid Amora

Hailing from the Blue Mountains, Acid Amora mix hard hitting riff driven rock with melodic and captivating singing from lead singer & rhythm guitarist Bec Smith.

Bold and mature… all the total wealth and dynamic of a much more… situated… well-traversed band.

With a collective age of still younger than any Rock pioneer you care to mention, yet still capable of holding their own over any comparison. Just when I felt compelled to be gushy about the vocals, the bass would swing in and distract me… before the drums, and then the guitar.

Acid Amora has; on this album at least, presented the listener with a multi-headed monster of such vast comparisons and suspected influences that it’s impossible to pigeonhole them properly.

From the sultriness of Suspicious (an instant earworm and personal favourite) to the familiar corporate rock of On Replay to the lilting, measured beauty of Eldervise – itself an epic journey of soundscape and storytelling, akin to Uriah Heep if only the production and volumes were available back then, and perhaps more like the best aspects of Opeth’s acoustic efforts amidst their angrier tones. This track is the best example of how big and mature the musicianship is and just how brilliant the vocalist is at seamlessly merging it all.

In any review, it’s not the business of the reviewer to call out the “dead-weight” member of the band AND imperative to point out here as previously stated, there isn’t any. Still, that voice… that strong, independent and yet compromising VOICE!!!

Other instantly gratifying tracks on the debut… remember this IS A DEBUT! WTF? are Security Codes and lead single Sire – if this isn’t on a GTA soundtrack or the next Battle-Sequence directed by Michael Bay by the end of the year… it’s quite frankly STUPIFYING just how well this song rolls. Much credit too needs to be thrown in the direction of a producer/s who has meticulously managed to needle out every titillating frequency of each of these tracks… actually, forget what I said before… Sire is my new clear favourite.

Like a TV salesman, listing the additional incentives to buy this set of steak knives and kittens, “you still want more?” this baby comes complete with its own palate cleanser in the delicate splendour of Overthinking; think Katie Noonan… gently owning over the functionary indifference of Noel Gallagher – playing Neil Finn chords = Perfection.

Albums/songs/bands/artists like these guys… make me sad for a component of the world that will never –through competition, industry positioning and daily human distractions- never hear them; never support them.

My advice…try and be part of the world that finds these guys and helps others to do the same.

Much like the many and varied influences detected in this quality debut, Acid Amora are as much a beacon of hope to unsigned and unrecognised genius like them, as they are a potential gateway to a myriad of excellent ear candy.

Lyrics: Quality, ageless and relatable // Composition: Indefinable in its over all skill and dexterity // Production: we salute you // Performance: See above

Acid Amora’s debut self-titled album available 15 August, 2024

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Chløë Black x Strange Little Bird