Conor O’Donoghue x Shine On Through

The first striking thing about the latest offering from Conor O’Donoghue is the production. It’s as close to perfect as a recording could be. Every component is crystal clear, with breathing space and even a perfect balance of percussion that waves in and out but isn’t noticeable, unless you’re trying to work out why your feet are so activated [while the snare keeps time, the tambo is what your toe is tapping to].

The second observation- for me at least, was the song’s accessibility. While there’s nothing vague about the lyrics they’re also not the disposable pap generally associated with this type of “Pop”.

Guitar solo in the middle is reminiscent of a Smiths anthem and worthy of Marr himself, the message is a simple one of re-birth phoenix from the ashes style and not “look(ing) back in anger”; a relevant if not cheeky hint at a potential influence, But! unlike the aforementioned pap anticipated from this type of Indie Guitar Pop, these aren’t the lazy lyrics of a Gallagher or, more locally, the mindless drivel of  Jet (the Australian Oasis tribute show); themselves with an ironically highly plagiarised song called Shine On, Shine On Through has a much greater Ray Davis vibe than those all of those shitty lightweights.

That, unfortunately, could be Conor O’Donoghue’s  greatest hurdle on future releases. The general interest in intellectually savvy pop is most often passed over for reproductions and easy-outs. The maturity of this song, its structure, lyrics and ego-less length should be admired and celebrated but it would take Triple J, FBi, 2SER and the other indies around the country to actually listen for once.


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