Cousin Betty x Self Titled Debut

Some significant stuff happened during the global lockdown, largely because or in spite of the global lockdowns.

One such phoenix, plumage on display in Punk/Prog/Garage-Rock defiance is Cousin Betty.

Damien Stofka, Riffman to his closest friends, explains why their debut album is part adventure, part modern masterpiece.

If a café in Katoomba, former native now based in Wollongong, Damien Stofka reminisces about his youth in this sleepy tourist town.

Do you think music from regions like this ever really permeates beyond the nearest city?
Absolutely. I think regional bands seem to be the most likely as well. Spiderbait being one example. I’m sure there’s loads more. 

Cousin Betty has seen a few incarnations by now, once fronted by Lime Spiders members and Private Function singer, Chris Penny. Without bias or fear of insult, is this the best one thus far?
I have loved every incarnation of Cousin Betty but none has ever felt as cohesive and family like as the current line up. Having some women in the band has really been awesome both in terms of sound & band dynamic.

Personally I anticipated much bigger follow-ups from your single Drone 2 years ago, what happened to your collaboration with that label? And if you can expand, what does a label provide and will there be a different vibe with your current signing?
Yeah I dunno. Judging from the reception from our personal friends and on socials I would have expected a bit more traction for that song. We are no longer with Golden Robot as we figured we could do most of what they were doing ourselves. Barney Collins and Vi-Nil Records seem to be a lot more active on chasing opportunities more relevant to us.

I know that the band is comprised of members from all over the state, themselves in various other projects. Is that the reason you don’t play live much? What are the logistics for recordings etc?
It’s a head fuck to be honest. Majority of us all play in at least one other band, have families, run small businesses etc, so getting together even to rehearse is like moving tectonic plates. For that reason we try and do everything in blocks and condense it as much as we can. We send ideas back and forward to each other to get familiar. Then catch up for a few days at a time and smash out as much as we can. 

So, Cousin Betty has poked her head out a few times now, do you have a favourite song from all the years and variations, and is there a favourite on the album?
I do quite like our song “Nature Boy Ric Flair”. Bit of a cult classic and is also played by the Green Spiders now as part of their set. From the album it’s hard for me to go past “Ignore Him” was written and recorded in a matter of hours and probably one of the best things the band has done together in my opinion. 

Cousin Betty’s self-titled LP out now!

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