STARMAPS x This Is Love

STARMAPS is an electronic indie act based on opposite sides of the world. Formed in 2022 by Adelaide based singer / guitarist songwriter Dan Gaskin and London based DJ / producer Rachel Ho, the duo have been working across different time zones and WhatsApp messages to create a repertoire of electronic-fuelled melodic pop songs. Teaming up with Italian producer, Laps, and American producer, John DeMichele, STARMAPS debut single ‘This Is Love’ drops July 29.

You generally work in the parameters of conventional “rock” bands. How does this more electro direction inform your writing?

DAN: Well, funnily enough some of the current songs were born many years ago out of this current electro format, back when we were in a band called The Dark Lights together. Writing songs with Rach was always one of the most natural and easiest processes for me, but when she moved to the UK, I went back to writing straight-up rock structured music. STARMAPS began like that in 2020 with a full band, and tried to recreate some of the old songs in a standard band format, but with Covid and some other logistical issues, the band didn’t look like seeing the light of day, until I reached out to Rach over WhatsApp to see if we could collaborate again. So, the electro direction has literally allowed us to get the band up and running, because Rach provides the full beats and synth backings and I add guitars and vocals. We have had the luxury of only needing to negotiate our own time to get things done.

RACH: This way of working allowed for a much more flexible way of writing. We were able to add our parts and ideas in our own time on opposite sides of the world and keep sending back and forth till we were happy with where a song was headed. It also meant there were no restrictions in how it might translate live. It was more about how a song made you feel and getting arrangements and structures to work well.

Will a live band remain a 2 piece?

RACH: Each show will be case by case, depending on what the vibe calls and what people want from us. And trying to keep it fresh!

The great thing about this project is we can play with just the two of us for a more electro vibe, or build it into a full live band with an extra guitarist, bass player and live drums. We’re really excited to see it translate into a full live band, as both have our roots in playing live with this set up.

What will live shows look like? Is broader touring a goal for the band?

DAN: Due to Rach travelling to Adelaide, we have the opportunity to do some live shows, where initially we thought this may only be a recording project. Live shows will feature three other bands members, Jeremy on drums, Pearl on bass and Mel on guitars. Mel was initially involved with STARMAPS when I tried to get it going in a standard band formation. We kept in touch and she was happy to get involved again. Broader touring will definitely be on the cards if we can get it happening. Due to the electronic format, we’re actually a bit more adaptable, so can work out ways to bring it to life with or without certain members being available.

RACH: We currently have a couple of Adelaide shows lined up (First show - 5th August at Brewboys)  while I’m in town, and are in talks with show opportunities interstate.

Down the track we plan to do a UK tour and possibly even meet halfway (between Adelaide / London) for a tour.

What programs and hardware will you use to reproduce your sound live?

RACH: Along with guitars, bass and drums, at the moment we’ll run the electro parts using Logic Pro on a MacBook Pro, through a Behringer U-PHORIA UMC1820 Audiophile 18x20 (with separate channels for each sound). Also have a Akai MPK mini controller for live synth.

At the time of writing, we haven’t actually played live yet, so no doubt we’ll tweak things as we get some shows under our belt and see what works best.

How far off is an album?

RACH: The album is written. We have 3 songs all tracked, 2 of those ready for release and one still needs mixing.

We’re working with Laps (an Italian producer based in London) and John De Michele (an American sound engineer, based in Adelaide), who are both busy guys, so we get sessions going with them whenever we can.

We’ll start tracking & mixing the rest of the songs in the second half of the year and hopefully get them all ready for release not too far into 2024.

STARMAPS single ‘ This Is Love’ available now!


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