Quivers x Oyster Cuts


Jangle damaged pop band from Melbourne, Australia.

More Tom Tom Club than Talking Heads but the direct and simple -yet broadly resonant story outlines of David Byrne regardless.

The song and its components get it through as a nice piece of pop, despite its lack of dynamic. In the first few words, it had me anticipating a MASSIVE lush chorus which never arrived but for the reasons I’ve given, it didn’t matter—enough bleeps and bloops in the mix to hold your attention and nothing pretentious or gaudy.

I absolutely loved the duel vocal but wonder; without various approaches… like harmonies etc, if this approach could sustain the band over future releases. Like Cigarettes After Sex for example, brilliant and unique but… more or less a one-trick pony.

Certainly enough to whet my appetite for future releases.

Lyrics: Great // Composition: Wanting // Production: Great // Performance: Brilliant

Quivers’ single ‘Oyster Cuts’ available 9 August 2024

Bandcamp // Spotify // Instagram


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