Jackson Valerie-Rose x Someday Never Comes

Jackson Valerie-Rose

“…Dusty guitars and honest lyrics. Music that lives in that alt-country, folk kinda world.”

I’d be much less critical of this track if it has been presented in a soul/gospel style. Instead, it’s a rampaging cacophony of notes and banging kick drum.

Picture a hardstyle version of Dueling Banjos. This is overcooked and has severed its nose to spite its face. Absolutely clearly played masters of their various instruments, but just way too much!

It’s not a failure of mine to understand the lyrics, intended message or story, that I think it’s missed it’s intended mark. Clearly it’s meant to be a Cat’s In The Cradle type of handed-down life philosophy but it falls far short of properly articulating either the benefit heeding a warning or even specifying what implied great wisdom it’s even trying to impart.

Dad tells son, “try and be a man ‘cause someday you’ll understand. BUT! someday never comes…” eh??

A Boy Named Sue, Coward of the County and the aforementioned Cat’s in the Cradle, these stories of mentorship in absence or hard-learned tales of caution, this song makes lukewarm pretensions to be one of those - with zero payoff.

Again, redemption comes from the skills exhibited in the musicianship and the structure is also worthy of credit.

Jackson Valerie-Rose’s ‘Someday Never Comes’ available 24 April, 2024

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