Melody Pool x Fantasy Girl

Melody Pool

“..In a click-driven age where over-used terms like “fast-paced” and “multi-tasking” are proudly worn as badges of honour, an authentic artist releasing new music unhurriedly and carefully is a breath of fresh air. The deep breaths, the slow burn, these are the ways of Melody Pool, compelling, highly original and influential songwriter, singer and musician.”

First things first. If Melody Pool is this lady’s actual name… f*cking perfect. If not, an absolutely brilliant stage name.

Now to the song. I think it’s the testament of a good writer that they can write something so personally relevant, and so removed from anything you’re dealing with, but still manage to resonate with your situation; or a situation you’re familiar with.

In essence, it’s a song that celebrates escapism and fantasy at the expense of settling for a mundane reality.

If I’m honest, I felt like the music video did the lyrics more justice than I might have thought otherwise. References to “heartache” and love are horrible cliches in these types of singer/songwriter ballads, but the clip shows the Groundhog Day mundanity of 99.9% of human existence and makes you want to join -presumably Melody herself, in her imagined retreat.

Really charming and occasionally surprising chord selections and some clever alternate lyrics in the bridges. Nothing gaudy and nothing patently derivative.

Andy Partridge, Carole King and Rufus Wainwright… clear a space at the table.

Melody Pool’s single ‘Fantasy Girl’ available 18 April, 2024:

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